Tuesday 4 March 2014

Standing Up

Chancery came home from school yesterday, & right away she said, “I told the bullies about Jesus loving them, but they did not believe me.”


I was going to ask her why they were bullies, but she took a deep breath & continued on.


“The bullies were not being nice to my friends, so I tried to tell the bullies all about how nice Jesus is, & how much he loves everyone, but they wouldn’t believe me.”


I told her what a great job she had done to stand up for her friends who were being mistreated by the bullies, & how wonderful it was that she decided to tell the bullies about Jesus.


Often we are not as brave.  When we see others being mistreated, we turn a blind eye, glad that it isn’t us being targeted.  If we do happen to speak up, do we do so in love, sharing Christ with our persecutors?  May God grant us the strength to stand for what’s right, & go that one step further & be a witness too.  Those bullies might not believe us today, but someday they might…

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